September 22, 2013

New black and white photographs in foyer

Our front foyer is done in a black and white theme.  This past weekend we added two more black and white photographs that I wanted to share with you.  Here are close-ups and information on the two additions.

Mr. H took this photo two years ago.  I loved it as soon as I saw it.  It took two years of nagging encouraging before he finally printed and framed this so I could admire it everyday.  Mr. H was leaving work and had to stop to get gas.  When he pulled into the gas station he noticed this young man pumping gas into an old Volkswagen Bug that seemed to have been turned into a bit of a roadster.  Mr. H knew he couldn't let this shot pass him by so he walked over to the young man and asked if he would mind having his picture taken.  The guy gave Mr. H a strange look but said he didn't care.  Mr. H quickly snapped a few photos and this one was my favorite. I love the open engine and the young man with his tattoos and sleeveless T-shirt and the way he's just nonchalantly looking off into the street scene.  He looks like he could be on a movie set.  Speaking of movies, don't you think he looks like Leonardo DiCaprio?

The other addition was taken in Paris. It is a silhouette of someone walking through one of the entrances to the Musée du Louvre.  Silhouettes are one of Mr. H's favorite things to photograph and this one happens to be me.  He dropped back a few steps behind me to snap this photo.  I like how the glass pyramid lines up with the Louvre Palace, blending old with new. The way one side of the gate is open and one side is closed makes it feel like I was granted the privilege to walk through, that the gate was opened just for me.

As you can see from the top photo there is still room for one more photo at the top of the wall.  We're still trying to decide on a photo that we love enough to hang there. 

If you're interested in closer looks of the other photos, you can visit a previous post about them here.  Just scroll down towards the bottom of the post.  I hope you've enjoyed seeing the new additions!

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  1. Very cool photo. It adds to the collection in a unique way. By the way,
    I love your white jar!

  2. I love both your new photos SO much. I love the way the kid is kind of just looking like he didnt care ... love how his clothes, tattoos & the engine all kinda blend together. Also love the one of you in Paris - very beautiful. Yes there is definately room for one more - thanks for sharing. Have a great week :-) Julie x0x

  3. He definitely looks like Leo (I'm sure he gets that all the time). The photo has quite a timeless quality about it. Amazing shots!

  4. What great photos! Love them in your foyer. You can't beat black and white photography.

  5. What great photos! Love them in your foyer. You can't beat black and white photography.

  6. What great photos! Love them in your foyer. You can't beat black and white photography.

  7. Gorgeous,stylish photos in black and white!I truly adore this little corner in your house!

  8. Blacvk and white is always nice in the house.

  9. The foyer looks great! Your husband is a wonderful photographer!! How nice that must be!!

  10. Without contest your husband has a very fine talent for photographing. Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments on my art.

    Bonjour de France


  11. Love the new additions Khamaany! Mr. H is truly talented (I think I said that the last time), please tell him that!

  12. They are both stunning in their different ways and a wonderful addition to your collection. We, too, have pictures waiting to be framed. Some have been waiting for years. A project for the autumn perhaps?

  13. I love your black and white photos! They make a wonderful collage. Mr. H has captured some awesome photos!!
    Mary Alice

  14. Wonderful shots!! Yes, he does look like Leo :) And the shot at the Louvre: perfectly framed!! Love your gallery wall of photos!

  15. Very dramatic gallery wall, Khammany. Black and white is both classic and modern, I would say and the two colours together ground a room, regardless of its decorating style. Yes, he looks like Leo, and I think Mr. H has captured a movie star in the making pose! Thanks for sharing your photos!


  16. beautiful black and whites! Love the grouping and your husbands eye for great shots! Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  17. Khammany,
    I really like the picture of the young man standing next to his car. This is a picture to be framed for sure. I'm not sure if I mentioned to you, but I took a Black and White Photography class many years ago, and developed my own pictures. It was a fun class, and to me, there is nothing more beautiful than a black and white photo. This must look so nice in your foyer. Please tell your husband it is a special one.


  18. LOVE that black/white pic of the guy and VW!! Your B/W looks lovely on your wall........Hubbys doin' great photo shoots! Blessings~~~Roxie

  19. It looks great really classic. I think any photos look good black and white or even in sepia. And matching black frames make it look very gallery inspired. I have done the same for my hallway, on one side are my partners photos and on the other are mine. I love it :)

  20. The photo wall is beautiful. I love how you kept everything to black and white; it's so striking. I love both of these photos and the stories behind them. The one of the guy pumping gas is so cool and yes, he totally looks like Leonardo Dicaprio! I love the photo of you too; it's so beautiful. Your husband is super talented.

  21. Lovely pictures! I love black and white photography.

  22. love the car picture especially. Black and white photos make a much bolder statement than color. Aren't you lucky to have your own photographer!

  23. Your black and white photo gallery looks marvelous. How lucky you are to have Mr. H to take such outstanding pictures. Mr. H has a great eye for framing a picture. He captured your silhouette in such a lovely symmetrical shot . A picture that will not only remind you of a beautiful trip to Paris but will also grace your wall as a work of art.

  24. Thanks for following my blog. I love your header and I too am following you through google and bloglovin. I cant wait to sift through your blog. Enjoy your day.

  25. The foyer looks great with the black and white photos! I've been following your blog, and have been enjoying it! I am nominating you for a Liebster award, and will be doing a post about it today. Feel free to participate, or not. Even if you decide not to participate, hopefully just having your blog link in my post will bring you some traffic :) Amy at

  26. What wonderful photographs, and I love your descriptions of them. Your photo wall is beautiful!

  27. What a talented photographer, and how lucky are you to get to enjoy them every day! Your gallery is perfect!

  28. Love that entrance shot of the silhouette.
