September 18, 2013

Savory fig and goat cheese appetizer

It must be the season for figs! I've been seeing them everywhere!  Good thing for me because we had some friends over for dinner the other night and I needed to make some sort of appetizer. I was inspired by the dates stuffed with goat cheese I had a couple weeks ago and thought, why not stuff the figs with goat cheese?

Here is what I did:
  • Quarter the figs about 3/4 of the way down
  • Stuff each one with goat cheese
  • Brush each one with olive oil
  • Broil on High in the oven for about 15 minutes
  • Take them out of the oven and sprinkle with sea salt and black paper
  • Drizzle them with honey
  • Serve with balsamic vinegar for dipping

The sweetness of the ripe figs and honey complemented the richness and warmth of the goat cheese so well.  The balsamic vinegar added the perfect amount of acidity to balance out all the mingling flavors.

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to try that this week. Looks amazing...

  2. I can attest to their tastiness - they were delicious!

  3. looks really yummy Khammany! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank goodness! A recipe for figs that I will enjoy! I have loads and loads of figs but was stuck with what to do with them. This looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for popping over to my blog, and I am also a new follower! Enjoy the rest of your week. xx

  5. Looks like a wonderful appetizer! I love purple figs!

    I meant to congratulate you last week on your anything blue feature but oh did time slip away from me!! I was so excited when I saw your post!

  6. I love figs too - but they don't grow hereabouts, and are expensive in the shops. But when they do appear I'd love to try this; it sounds really yummy!

  7. They look very yummy! Hope you had a great time.

  8. They look very yummy! Hope you had a great time.

  9. This looks really, really tasty!! I've never had figs before.
    Mary Alilce

  10. Oh I'm a huge fan of sweet ripe figs!
    A lovely idea for an appetiser and thank you for your recipe.
    I'll definitely use it next autumn (where I live we're in Spring)!!
    Gorgeous photos.
    ps I've emailed you!

  11. Look so delicious and yummy! It's so difficult to find fig and goat cheese in Indonesia. Can I use others fruits and cheese? Thank you for sharing me your recipe

  12. It looks lovely and yummy! I love figs. I'll try to find some not too expensive (they are quite expensive here) to try your recipe.

  13. I love figs but I've never made anything like this! I know I would LOVE it! Hugs!

  14. Hello ! I love figs and could eat them "till the cows come home " hehe ! this recipe sounds delicious ...what an interesting combination ! have a nice autumn weekend ...Gail x

  15. This is one of my favorite appetizers. I've been seeing baskets of nice ripe figs, too, and I'll be trying them your way with the balsamic vinegar next time. Sounds good!

  16. Hi Khammany. I've been reading your blog for sometime & love what you share. and this fig recipe is my favourite, since living in France figs have become my favourite fruit. Every year I look for different ways to eat them, this year like you I've also been grilling them with goats cheese & honey, delicious.
    Thank you for your lovely comment about my sketch you along with other followers have given me such encouragement. Now I'm a follower of you I'll know when you make a new post look forward to seeing you pop by me again soon.

  17. Hi Khammany,

    Your savoury fig and goat cheese appetizer must have been a sweet surprise for your guests! Would you believe I live in a country where figs are so bountiful and I've NEVER had one in my whole life?! Shameful, but true. Just do not crave fruit. Better get my act together and start expanding my food horizons, don't you think? Thanks for sharing this delicious treat!


  18. I just popped in for a casual glance at your site and fell in love with it! Needless to say, I have become a follower and following your husband's amazing photography as well.

  19. Oh my gosh your blog is so pretty and the recipe is so delish looking, the photos are so lovely, it makes me want to try this recipe, which I think I will...I am now a new follower of yours and I will be back again to visit your sight...Phyllis

  20. Figs never seem to ripen in the UK - not enough warm sunshine I guess. Thanks for visiting and let's keep in touch x

  21. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award for bloggers! Please see my post at for details. Congrats and keep up the great work!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design
